
Showing posts from April, 2014


Faith is not a brain washing tool. Its a reality. Jesus really meant it that one can literary move a mountain. Look, He cursed a tree and it withered. He walked on water. Peter's shadow healed people while walked along streets. John was blind and he saw a new heaven coming...They casted out devils. Paul healed the sick. Philip could disappear and be in any place anyhow. The reality of a miracle is not in the ability of a pastor but in Christ who lives in Him. Jesus makes the miracles possible. HE IS THE WORD and it is the WORD that makes all things perfect. I pray God will give a true undeterred understanding of faith. Its REAL, I have and always see it in action. I can prove it because Jesus is alive and so so real. Need any proof?


Realize that Jesus said the false will use His name... have we not PROPHESIED, CAST OUT DEVILS, DONE MANY WONDERFUL THINGS; in YOUR NAME? (Matt.7:22) All these things are genuinely from God, they are the works which follow those who believe. And INDEED, IF SATAN CAST OUT SATAN, HE IS DIVIDED AGAINST HIMSELF, HOW SHALL HIS KINGDOM STAND? (Mat.12:25,26). So this particular address is not to the agents of Satan, because they know their m aster and cannot seek to be addressed by another! Listen to the next statement by Jesus... I NEVER KNEW YOU: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity. (Matt.7:23).  Let me ask this, IS IT TRUE THAT THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT "KNOWN" BY JESUS? You got it right, He KNOWS ALL!!! So what was He saying? Well, this is it, let me rightly divide the Word of Truth. The word "know" used there is Gk. "ginosko" and the exact contextual meaning He referred to is "I NEVER ALLOWED YOU". This takes us to 1 Samuel...