Free from Moses' Law

Many people still argue for or against the issue of Moses’ Law. Here is what I think about today’s Christians versus the Law. I think we are no longer under the law, Galatians 3. Paul says one who lives under the law is cursed. The law was there because was resided in people. so God introduced the law to manage the sin that was in them, one who was a thief would not because he can manage but because he/she feared being stoned. So people were not free sin. It was suppressed in them. they lived in it. That’s why Jesus came to free us from the curse of the law.

Now that we are baptized and have Christ in us, sin is no more and dead. Sin no longer lives in us. So we are not sinners but righteous. Not that we are perfect but that Christ is in us and if Christ is in you, can He reside together with sin? hell no. we are free. I don’t need the law to manage me, my heart testifies what it is true or not through Christ who is in me. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and if He is in me then sin is not in me anymore. Paul says not I that liveth but Christ liveth in me. So we are righteous and are a holy priesthood, a chosen generation according to the mercy and grace in Christ Jesus.

If we need the law then Christ is of no use for when He died, He nail the written code(the law) which was against us, Colossians 2:13-15. So don’t struggle with law, it is useless, Christ is in me, the law maker and I am free from the law, hallelujah, read Galatians 3. He said I am the Lord of the Sabbath because Christ makes or breaks the laws and He is in me!!!!


Faith is not a brain washing tool. Its a reality. Jesus really meant it that one can literary move a mountain. Look, He cursed a tree and it withered. He walked on water. Peter's shadow healed people while walked along streets. John was blind and he saw a new heaven coming...They casted out devils. Paul healed the sick. Philip could disappear and be in any place anyhow. The reality of a miracle is not in the ability of a pastor but in Christ who lives in Him. Jesus makes the miracles possible. HE IS THE WORD and it is the WORD that makes all things perfect.
I pray God will give a true undeterred understanding of faith. Its REAL, I have and always see it in action. I can prove it because Jesus is alive and so so real.
Need any proof?


Realize that Jesus said the false will use His name... have we not PROPHESIED, CAST OUT DEVILS, DONE MANY WONDERFUL THINGS; in YOUR NAME? (Matt.7:22)
All these things are genuinely from God, they are the works which follow those who believe. And INDEED, IF SATAN CAST OUT SATAN, HE IS DIVIDED AGAINST HIMSELF, HOW SHALL HIS KINGDOM STAND? (Mat.12:25,26). So this particular address is not to the agents of Satan, because they know their master and cannot seek to be addressed by another!
Listen to the next statement by Jesus... I NEVER KNEW YOU: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity. (Matt.7:23). 

You got it right, He KNOWS ALL!!! So what was He saying? Well, this is it, let me rightly divide the Word of Truth.
The word "know" used there is Gk. "ginosko" and the exact contextual meaning He referred to is "I NEVER ALLOWED YOU". This takes us to 1 Samuel 13, where Saul sacrificed unto the LORD when the Man of God, Seer Samuel delayed. Notice that Saul sacrificed to the Living God, not satan, yet he was rejected!!! Did you ask why? HE DID THE RIGHT THING BUT NOT UNDER THE INSTRUCTION TO DO IT! 

It's like what the LORD said in Matthew, He will say this to the ones with the right intent but no commission to! And He called them false prophets, that they are like ravening wolves, they do not have a "fire in them to keep the flock", but they can literally make a meal out of it! They disturb the flock because sometimes they use their own opinions on the Word of God; when genuine Men of God like Apostle Paul come, they declare that: IF WE, OR AN ANGEL FROM GOD, PREACH ANY OTHER GOSPEL THAN THAT WE HAVE PREACHED, LET HIM BE ACCURSED- THEY ARE READY TO CARRY CURSES IN THE DEFENSE AND CONFIRMATION OF THE GOSPEL (Phil..1:7). I know someone like Apostle Paul called Apostle T Vutabwashe, he also declared that that if he is not from God, he wants God to kill him in confirmation.

In truth, there are the hirelings like the ones in John10; when the wolf (satan) attacks, they flee because they do not know the value of the sheep, neither do they have a commission to make them a fortified defense for the flock! They cannot forsake their lives for the brethren. I have seen the Apostle and the Prophets forsaking so much for the children of God- it is called the laying down of ones life for the sake of others... (1John3:16). They can do all this because of the fire shut up in their bones as the commission of God....



People have been robbed by the devil into thinking that pride is the acknowledgement of one's abilities; but I will show something else.
Every business must be run by the proud since they advertise only about their strengths, and every marriage then must be started by proud man who convince their spouse that they are the real deal.
Lemme run this; pride is the thing which makes God resist you; so Peter should have been resisted for saying "what I have I give", Paul for saying "whoever does not preach what I preach, even an angel from Heaven, must be accursed!!! But that wasn't pride, It was knowledge of who they were and what they had from God...

In Isaiah 14, God shows us why He resisted satan- satan wanted to be like God- he was ready to be independent from Him. From vs.13 to 14, these are his words... I WILL ascend into Heaven, I WILL exalt my throne ABOVE the stars of God, I WILL sit ALSO(regardless of the One who already sat!), upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north (this word means "hidden"; and lucifer meant he wanted the side with God's secrets!!! How daring!), I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds, I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH!!!
That's it, his WILL was above the WILL OF GOD, look at the Man who got exalted- Jesus Christ; He came saying NOT MY WILL BUT YOUR WILL, OH FATHER...
Psa.45:7- Thou lovest righteousness and hatest wickedness: therefore God (Jesus Christ), Thy God (Father), hath *anointed* Thee... Only the kneeling can be anointed, this means SUBMISSION!!!



Simbarashe Apostleson Chikumbo

Altars 2

  Apostle T. Vutabwashe 
  Date : 12 / DECEMBER / 2014
Scripture: Gen 13:3 

What made us go in circles in prayer is because we were misguided, this is your year to make real progress, use the word of God. Once you hear God you respond by an altar. Whenever God appears to you, respond by an altar, this is what Abraham did, he responded with an altar. No wonder why you find out that whenever God speaks in your life, it does not come to pass, big dreams are dying because people do not know how to respond to God. Even when God speaks to you in a dream, respond with an altar. Solomon after having a dream being given wisdom, he built an altar early in the morning. If you dream driving a car, if you dream holding a baby, respond with an altar! Don't just pray holding nothing, put something in the altar. Your enemies bewitch you, they bewitch you at a shrine holding a seed. Why is it that when you come at this holy place you have nothing?

Altars are not common places of alterations. Your enemies alter your life on altars. So when you come here, counter their alterations with a seed. From this altar! From this altar, counter their alterations with a seed. From this altar! From this altar , i alter your life. There are certain wars you are never going to fight again from this moment. I don’t give birth to cowards who are intimidated by the devil. I want people who declare NaJesu Tinoenda Kure! (with Jesus we will go places) All your wars are ending on this altar, if i am a man of God, in the mighty name of Jesus ! From this altar, its high time you conquer. As i am talking to you like this, something is happening in offices, altars speak for us! I release fire! Those who even point on you, their hands are going to go into paralysis. Their feet are going to be hit with paralysis. I will not be a good shepherd if i don’t fight for my sheep, each and every lion in your way, i tear it apart with these Apostolic hands. 

This year we can't afford to waste even a week. We can't allow the devil any chance. It’s a year of speed in every area of your life. If they ever expected you to fall down, they are going to be surprised seeing you standing. Let your hands respond to the grace that is on this place. Let your wallet respond to this grace too. From today nothing about you shall be mentioned. People are just going to ask you about the number of cars, the number of your houses; it’s going to be all about good things. If you read the word of God you will find out that even Elijah was stopping the rains and doing all those sorts of wonders, he was just called Elijah. The very day he built an altar, his title was changed to Prophet Elijah. If you don’t have an altar you are just an ordinary Christian, your title will never change. 

Whatever is going to happen in your life, it is going to shock people. Your passes are going to shock people! Your pregnancy is going to shock people! This year you are not going to have debts. If you don’t have an altar you are exposed. Abraham was struck by hunger after building an altar - you face attacks. In the bible Abraham went to Egypt. The bible also said he went back to the point he had built an altar and he did it well. You have sown a lot of money in this ministry, if you find any problem, you come here. Abraham almost lost his wife to pharaoh. This is because poverty and divorces are friends big time. I declare, let your pantry be always full with food! The bible said he went to east to the west and then to the north, making a cross. This left the altar he had built at the center. This means that your altar should be at your heart. 

The bible said and Lot also went with him. Lot had no altar yet he just followed someone who had an altar. The bible said Lot also had tents and animals, because you are here where there is an altar, even airlines shall know you. You are going to be someone great. Lot had no altar but he did not speak badly about altars. He just said to himself ‘i will benefit by association’. If you failed in life, join my anointing. Whatever you failed is going to be possible by the anointing. I told you during the March overnight, that if you are in an aeroplane you move with the same speed of that plane. 

Because you are in this ministry, you are going to move with the same speed. Look at what we have achieved in these few years? The same is going to happen in your life. Some people defy things which they would want in future. When ladies started painting nails, a lot of women were against it but right now they are into it full time. Altar has the power to attract blessings. Whatever you planted on your altar, I command it to germinate within 7 days. Don't criticize those who have altars! 1sam 3vs 21 God appears to you by his word. Right now as i am speaking to you, God is appearing to you. As you receive the word now something is happening in you. There is a metamorphosis happening in you. You are being transformed into a champion. 

There are some breakthroughs that come into your life you cannot attribute to Apostle directly, always acknowledge the apostolic anointing. Whosoever does not have an altar has no permanent victory. Rev 8vs 3 Can imagine? In heaven there are no diseases, God has never lost a battle yet there is an altar. If heaven has an altar who are you not to have an office altar. Who told you that you can live a successful life without an altar? Who told you it is possible. If you don't build an altar, the ones your enemies are building will affect your peace. If u are eating honey mixed with sand, sand does not dilute honey, it tempers with your peace in eating the honey. Abraham never went to his war, when he went to war he was fighting Lot's wars. Abraham's wars were being fought by his altar. 

Your wars are just indication that you have no altar. Saul never built an altar, check his life. He was fighting wars from day one. He fought wars in his time. He ended up fighting against teenagers like David. An altar silences your wars. God knows the mystery behind an altar. If you place something on the altar , victory is yours. If you don't have an altar, someone will always alter your life, your promises will never come to pass. Altars are marks of entitlement. When declarations are made, you place a seed on the altar, you are claiming the declaration to be personally yours. When vacancy is announced, there will be a lot of people who need the job. What tells the employer that you need the job is your application. What announces to God that you are serious about the job is your application. Without application, your interests are not known; your desires are not known. If an altar is built against you, build a better one against. God is saying to someone that the way things are, things are going to change in your life it is just going to be just like a joke. Isaiah 66vs 7-8 is it possible that a life can miraculously change in one night - yes it’s possible! Amen

Altars 1

 Preacher : Apostle T Vutabwashe
Scripture: Gen 12 :7-8
Date : Sunday 03/01/14 

Even in your time of breakthrough, in your season of celebration maintain a high level of prayer. Plant seeds, you sustain a level by the seed you plant, the higher you continue to sow that is your next level. Ps 92:13 attend service's and be anchored in the word of God. Isa 34:16 seek the word that pertains to your need and use it to fight. Say what you want to see happen in don't speak about your poverty speak about the money you want to have. Speak and affirm positive things , do not talk negative about your circumstance. Ps 121: 1-8 scripture of the week!

Gen 12 :7-8 as main scripture reference- When Abraham was told to leave the land of Chaldeans he was called to a promise land. This year you are certainly going to make it. Altars are places where spirits land, when you present your body as a sacrifice to the Lord it becomes the temple of the holy spirit, when you become the altar you attract the spirit of God. When ever there is an altar the presence of God is very visible. We often take bible's n note books to church to write declarations but Abraham did not do that when God spoke he built altars. When God spoke he would gather stones and built an altar . Although he did not have a note book or bible to teach him about altars, Abraham built them. He came from a land where they worshipped evil altars . When you see people come to place offerings on the altar they have a deep understanding, don't say they are overzealous. Faith without works is dead for your faith to work you need to respond and you respond by building an altar . Abraham knew that if you establish an altar no one will destroy it. Abraham heard one declaration and he built altars, how many have you heard from God! God appears to you by his word as i am speaking to you now God is speaking to you, speaks through his word he does not use feelings. A lion does not have hands it uses its mouth to lift its cubs, but it also uses the same mouth to crush its enemies. When you hear God's word respond with an altar. Gen 12:8 the word of says after Abraham built an altar he pitched a tent, which means it is an altar that you build and a tent that u pitch, altars cannot be moved. Why you face problems in your family is because you build your house and pitch your altar you don't build it. Lot never built any altars although he was there when God spoke to Abraham. Lot was there when Abraham was building his altars, Yet Lot never built an altar and it was Abraham's altars that saved Lot from the 5 kings and sodom. Moslems before they build their houses they first build a mosqué . Hence, they have a strong power to attract customers. As they close their shops going to the mosqué you will remain open but they will still have more customers than you. They have higher altars and by an altar you make impact. Your enemies locate you and talk about you it's because your altar is weak. AMEN.
Reporting from International Overflow Centre( IOC).
NaJesu Tinoenda Kure!

We Can Prosper By a Different Set of Rules...

By Strive Masiyiwa

A business associate of mine called me one day very excited; his close relative had just been elected President of their country!

But as I listened to this London based professional banker, I realised a familiar story:

He was already lining up "deals" ...back home, for himself!!

Sadly this is what having a relative or friend in office or even as a clans man in office means to a lot of people on this beautiful continent of ours, Africa.

There are a lot of people who also believe strongly that it is not possible to build successful business in Africa, unless you have powerful political "connections" or are prepared to share with those who award contracts and tenders.

This belief is still so prevalent, that many who do it and "appear" to prosper by it do not even realise it is wrong.

To unlock the full potential of Africa, we have to change the way many people think business should be done.

On becoming a Christian in 1994, this is something that really bothered me, so I began to pray and fast about it. As The Lord ministered to my heart, I determined that with faith in God, it is possible to prosper by a different set of rules.

We can build and operate successful businesses in Africa without having to rely on political power and influence. The starting point is to first believe that it is possible, and to commit ourselves to follow this path no matter how difficult it may be.

God is faithful, and if you trust Him He will give you extraordinary wisdom and insight to overcome the most impossible situations that arise.

Prepare to Fly!

By Strive Masiyiwa

A young woman sat on a park bench over lunch. And while she sat there she noticed a butterfly trying to come out of its cocoon. She watched it struggle and struggle for more than an hour. Eventually feeling sorry for it she reached for a small scissors, and gently used it to clip open the cocoon. To her surprise the butterfly that was released did not fly away it just sat there totally crippled. You see, what she did not realise was that the struggle a butterfly goes through, is what pumps blood into its wings so that it may be able to fly!

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint.

The eagle is an unusual bird, because it has mustered the ability to fly into a storm. It "mounts" strong winds as though it is going up a staircase. It is the only bird that you will find flying during a storm. This year, 2014, approach life with the majesty of an eagle! Do not be afraid of headwinds or opposition; use them; mount them like stairs for your success! The word "wait upon" comes from the Hebrew word, "qawah", which denotes, someone who is "serving" as they wait. It is an active process and not passive.

You might be struggling to get a job; you might be struggling to make your finances work; you might be struggling to fund your education; you might be struggling to make a small business successful; you might be struggling to get ahead in your job; you might even be going through viscous persecution, that even threatens your very life. Listen to me; from today, start thinking about it differently! No matter how dark, no matter how challenging, you are not going under; you are going over...just don't give up!

Happy New Year!

We Need To Build Our Own Enterprises, For The Global Game

Extract from a speech by Strive Masiyiwa

Every year I get approaches from big international companies who want to buy the whole of Econet from me. Some of these offers are usually very generous in their valuations. From a business principle, there is nothing wrong with such approaches. It happens all the time around the world.

There is only one reason I would never sell, and that is because we do not yet have enough high profile multinationals built by Africans, to which young Africans can look to and say to themselves, "yes we can.. we Africans are able to build enterprises which can operate in the global environment!" For the next stage of Africa's unstoppable march to prosperity this is very important.

Can you imagine Japan without its own Toyotas, or America without Coca Cola? What makes you think Africans do not also want to look up and see large African enterprises? Companies like Econet are there as a beacon to a new generation of African enterprise builders who have dreams to build global companies that will also create wealth for their continent.

Over the next decade, African companies like us will mushroom all over the continent and become global champions; and they will not just be from South Africa, you will see them come from A to Z: Angola to Zimbabwe. There will be global multinationals, in my life time that will come from Malawi, Liberia, and Rwanda. And these companies will operate with the highest standards of ethics, even better than the best of the best today. Even as I am talking young Africans, are beginning to do it; they are thinking big, and without limitations.

Mystery of seed sowing 1: How to activate your miracle

When you have a desire or a prayer, there is one thing you should never avoid- seeding. A seed is your connection to the man of God. A seed speaks for you. A seed is a language of prayer you can never be denied of your answer. When you seed, you submit to the man of God to take over your issue before God. You give them of man of God mandate to act on your behalf before god and to fight your battles. Abraham used to seed and sleep without hours of prayer as we do! He would raise an altar, sleep and wake up with an answer.

A seed is more than a fast, its more than a prayer; it’s a blessing. Seeding to the man of God doesn’t mean he lacks, a seed helps you. A seed changes your life not God. Even God Himself gave His only Son to have the world. A seed attracts what you need. It attracts your miracle. You must have an altar to seed for you family and your business. Before you make big decisions, seed! Before you go for business or start one, seed. Seed for the breakthrough of marriage, seed for spiritual breakthrough, seed for exams and even promotion at work.

My Spiritual Father Apostle Tavonga Vutabwashe seeds for us as a ministry to his father Apostle Robert Kayanja. He has an altar for us and intercedes for us to prosper as a ministry. Seeds are for financial breakthroughs- Abraham’s altars were for blessings; they are for health breakthroughs; deliverance and any form of prayer you want answers for.

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