We Can Prosper By a Different Set of Rules...

By Strive Masiyiwa

A business associate of mine called me one day very excited; his close relative had just been elected President of their country!

But as I listened to this London based professional banker, I realised a familiar story:

He was already lining up "deals" ...back home, for himself!!

Sadly this is what having a relative or friend in office or even as a clans man in office means to a lot of people on this beautiful continent of ours, Africa.

There are a lot of people who also believe strongly that it is not possible to build successful business in Africa, unless you have powerful political "connections" or are prepared to share with those who award contracts and tenders.

This belief is still so prevalent, that many who do it and "appear" to prosper by it do not even realise it is wrong.

To unlock the full potential of Africa, we have to change the way many people think business should be done.

On becoming a Christian in 1994, this is something that really bothered me, so I began to pray and fast about it. As The Lord ministered to my heart, I determined that with faith in God, it is possible to prosper by a different set of rules.

We can build and operate successful businesses in Africa without having to rely on political power and influence. The starting point is to first believe that it is possible, and to commit ourselves to follow this path no matter how difficult it may be.

God is faithful, and if you trust Him He will give you extraordinary wisdom and insight to overcome the most impossible situations that arise.

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