Free from Moses' Law

Many people still argue for or against the issue of Moses’ Law. Here is what I think about today’s Christians versus the Law. I think we are no longer under the law, Galatians 3. Paul says one who lives under the law is cursed. The law was there because was resided in people. so God introduced the law to manage the sin that was in them, one who was a thief would not because he can manage but because he/she feared being stoned. So people were not free sin. It was suppressed in them. they lived in it. That’s why Jesus came to free us from the curse of the law. Now that we are baptized and have Christ in us, sin is no more and dead. Sin no longer lives in us. So we are not sinners but righteous. Not that we are perfect but that Christ is in us and if Christ is in you, can He reside together with sin? hell no. we are free. I don’t need the law to manage me, my heart testifies what it is true or not through Christ who is in me. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and if He is in me ...