People have been robbed by the devil into thinking that pride is the acknowledgement of one's abilities; but I will show something else. Every business must be run by the proud since they advertise only about their strengths, and every marriage then must be started by proud man who convince their spouse that they are the real deal. Lemme run this; pride is the thing which makes God resist y ou; so Peter should have been resisted for saying "what I have I give", Paul for saying "whoever does not preach what I preach, even an angel from Heaven, must be accursed!!! But that wasn't pride, It was knowledge of who they were and what they had from God... PRIDE IS RIGHTLY THE INDEPENDENCE FROM GOD! WHEN WE DENY GOD'S TOTAL SUPREMACY OVER US, WE LIVE IN PRIDE. EVERYONE WHO HAS NOT RECEIVED CHRIST IS A HAUGHTY PERSON, AND EVEN IF GOD LOVES THEM THEY WILL GO TO HELL; JUST LIKE SATAN! In Isaiah 14, God shows us why He resisted satan- satan wanted t...