God wants you wealthy- dead or alive.

The church today is growing in mighty revelation. Today's revival cannot be matched and cannot be vincible- its a strategy God prepared ages ago. Even Daniel saw this season even though his chapter had been closed. This is a season of manifest power of God full of miracles, signs and wonders. But at the same time, it is a season to amass wealth for the Kingdom of God. Wealth is on demand in God's Kingdom and God will stop at nothing to see His word fulfilled when He said we ought to subdue kingdoms as well being connected to the blessing of Abraham means we are linked or under a covering where we have no choice but to be wealthy.

I envision the top 5 world billionaires to be Christians. Imagine! We then sponsor crusades around the world for Christ to take over! It must be a season where church must receive tithes in tens of millions a month and take over. The church must take over business. If we cannot control resources then we are still slaves. Yet the bibles says that we are kings and we reign in our Kingdom. You cannot influence without money. What can a poor do? What can a poor man change? Who remembers the wise words of a poor man?

Its high time Christians do not become liabilities to God. Christians must be asserts of the Kingdom. An assert is anything that brings money into your pocket and a liability is anything that takes money out of your pocket. If you take more than you are bringing to God then you are a liability to the Kingdom. One rule works for all liabilities- they have to be reduced. You risk being worthless to God. In the book of Matthew, the servant who did a break even was referred to as evil! Be profitable to the Kingdom of God.

Do business. Be diligent and get promoted. Pay tithes, offerings and seeds. God cannot risk losing asserts. He will surely protect you and defend you; bless you and Son you dearly.

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