Powerful sermon by my Spiritual Father Apostle Tavonga Vutabwashe

Diseases have no power to kill you! As a diseases come, it knows that it has no strength or power, so it carries fear with it. It is this fear that it has power. It makes the diseases stay in you. Because you will be afraid, you give the disease a guarantee to stay in your body. The only way to defeat fear is faith. Fear and faith does not stay in the same body. If you have faith you will defeat the fear in the disease and hence the disease. In the world when people are sick, they go to the hospital or pharmacy. But we are not people of the world, if it happens that you get sick, run to the bookshop and buy books and DVDs. Close yourself in a room, read and listen to them to the point that every blood cell becomes saturated by the anointing. These materials will minister healing unto you, don’t take them light. 
Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. By now you should have DVDs that speak every situation of your life. When you are going through which ever situation you are going through you take a DVD and listen to it.
Peter said it in the book of Colossians, ‘’why should you be bound by the systems of this world as though you are of the world. We should get our healing through supernatural ways. If you can only defeat the fear that a disease carries, you have defeated the power that the disease has. There are some things that cannot be in your life! It cannot happen to a man that if he feels something in his stomach he then goes for a pregnancy scan. It is not possible, for he knows that it cannot be. You should do the same, it cant be that you suffer from a disease.
I want to deliver your mindset from fear. Fear IS THE FAITH OF THE DEVIL. When he sees fear in you, he is guaranteed that he will defeat you. In fact FEAR AND DEVIL ARE THE SAME. FEAR is the second name of the devil. FEAR is abbreviated as False Evidence Appearing Real . Your problem is that you listen to the fear of the disease not your faith. The difference between a licensed driver and non licensed driver is their reaction to the police. Why then do you react as if you don’t have the right to be healthy? Its your right! Isaiah 53:4. The scripture said all our burdens were carried by Christ. Why do carry luggage that does not belong to you. I command that disease to vacate your body right now in Jesus name. I saw at the airport they say do not allow anyone to give you their luggage. They will be saying so because if you are found with goods that are not allowed, you will be arrested even if they are not yours. Why then do you carry a luggage that does not belong to you? This sickness does not belong to you. 
Every disease that is in your body should vacate now. How is it possible that you leave a place filled with anointing like this with a flu and nothing inside the Apostle? How is that possible? A disease is not powerful, what happens is that when it comes to you it hires fear. When you have faith you will defeat it, Ps 34:5. You need to look up to God not to give to the fear exerted by the disease. Your problem is that you look to God and to your situation as well. Can you look one eye up another one down? Try it. Its not possible right? Either you are looking on God or to fear.
Today decide whether you are going to look to God or fear. If you look at the fear, you are going to be more afraid of the fear than the disease. Because of fear you now struggle to imagine yourself driving a car but you can imagine an operation. You cannot imagine flying but you imagine yourself leaving your children. Eph 3:20 Power of God working in you if it is working why is the project not finished. Diseases do not kill but but negative confession does. Job’s wife knew it. She saw a disease eating up Job and knew the disease would not kill him. She then advised him to curse God. Life and death lies in the power of the tongue. Pills do not have the power to cure a disease, they get power from the doctor who give the prescription.
These are the three things that you should hate in life.
1. To die
2.To be sick
3 To be poor.

This is a miracle coming to you, are healed in Jesus name! Everyone who has high blood pressure I reduce it in the name of Jesus!

I enforce my Apostleship over Zimbabwe! I enforce my rank, no one shall deny you access!
You shall speak one no one shall argue. You shall speak once and a thousand shall hear!
Whosoever shall attempt to gather against your calling, your dream or vision! I scatter them in the name of Jesus!
Not by the will of man but by the appointment of Jehovah, victory is yours! I am speaking to you young men/woman victory is yours!
Apostle T.Vutabwashe is not a name but an authority and a rank in the spirit. I warn everyone who is against this ministry that they will die!
I am ready to die for your wedding, car I’m ready to die for Jesus! I am no longer patient with witches I am ready to pull out their spirits. I am a man on a mission. I curse even the unborn children of your witches!
 Hope you enjoyed the sermon. Get more sermon on http://www.heartfeltonline.org and also on Facebook.

Faith Dimensions 1

For a believer to enjoy the journey of Christianity, they must have faith. Without faith it impossible to please God, it is hard to overcome situations and it is hard to get healed. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, which means you substantiate something before you have it. You feel you have it before you physically touch it. If you are sick, you start feeling as if you are healed and start to think, walk and talk like a healed person and you then get healed. If you are poor, you begin to live, think, walk and talk like a wealthy person- you change your language as the bible says “let the poor say I am rich…”
Faith doesn’t make sense, it makes miracles! To believe is not enough we must do. It is in the doing that faith is expressed. To believe is a mind-set and faith is the action. The woman who bled for twelve years in the bible believed if she caught hem of the garment of Christ, she would be healed; and by maneuvering her way through all the men to reach and touch Christ’s garment was faith. Faith seals the believing. Faith is more than courage- you act in spite of fear.

My Spiritual Father Apostle T. Vutabwashe had a unique experience of faith. When he wanted to meet his spiritual father Apostle Robert Kayanja. He believed he would get to Uganda but did not have an air ticket but he managed to wake up at 4AM and prepare and left for the airport. While on his way someone called him to give him money which was much more than he needed for the air ticket. That was faith.

Faith is a force that makes things happen.  It does not honor anything but the word of God. When you believe it, act on it. If you believe in the man of God’s declaration for a car, start inquiring prices for the car. If you believe the anointing for a house, start looking for prices for a stand or a house! If you are believing him for a business begin to have a plan or proposal; research on the markets and get registered. If you believed in the anointing for a talent or gift start excising it. That is faith.

Let me be a sheep in a wolf's apron for a sec...

I noticed that many Christian marriages are destroyed because of the holiness taken to bed. You see them couples doing it like God can just appear and say, “NIYENZANI( HEI MUKUITEI)???”
It's sad that the Church has rejected some things which the world has adopted, leading the godly to call those things evil. 
Now that we here, let me be straight up, what was adopted by the porn industry is not entirely from the world. Some of the things are from God!

Because the Church is slow at times, God then uses some people, whom He allows to get exposed to the world before they repent, so that they can bring the lost revelation back to the lethally ignorant Christian community. I'm gonna be frank, those sexual positions don't make you less Christian, they make one a better anointed lover to their spouse. As for me, I'm marrying soon because I've found someone perfect for me; but to the parallel, I don't want to keep burning with desire. The Christian society which came before our generation demonized the perfect gift ever to be given to mankind: sex! 

Apostle Paul is a darling, he knew that getting sexually aroused is never a problem; but lust is(1Cor.7). I like vs 9: (But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than be aflame with passion). Most evidently, the passion is from God because it's a manifestation from the soul which He created. And I get puzzled by this statement in vs36: If any man thinks he is not behaving properly towards his betrothed, if his passions are strong, and it has to be, let him do as he wishes: let them marry-it is no sin...( of course Apostle, how can it be? Isn't it God Himself said; it is not good(which is equal to=it is bad) for a man to be alone...
So God cannot have the program of the two being joined as one if He did not put the whole curriculum in place! Because most evidently, sex has to be a revelation to two married people. If you apply too much church-this church-that stuff; you will be an anointed and sexually-frustrated saint. So my message to those who have exchanged vows( I repeat- exchanged vows; unless kana zvakakubatai wo).


Contributed by Simba Chikumbo

27 Minutes to midnight extract...

I extracted this from Elisha Goodman's Firesprings website. Enjoy. Click on the link at the end for more.        
Time for a reality check...

 In case you are wondering… 
            In the midst of so many wonderful testimonies, why did others fail so spectacularly – in spite of having done everything they were told to do? 
            There's an answer to that question.
            And we'll go into the Scripture to find out.
But before we go one step further, we need to pause for prayers. Please close your eyes and take these three prayers with fire in your voice:
  • I speak destruction unto the roots and fruits of the anti-Christ in my life in the name of Jesus.
  • I clear my goods from the warehouse of the strongman in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Holy Spirit, activate my spirit, soul and body for revival in Jesus' name.
           Praise the LORD. Now we’re ready to begin…
We will start today by addressing the question on the minds of many today:
Why are my prayers not getting answered? In spite of the fact that I've done all I can to fast and pray?
             We'll take that question now. Then we'll take a prophetic look in to 2013. All in all, we'll address 3 recurring questions that our readers have sent in.
         Question #1:  Why are my prayers not getting answered? In spite of the fact that I've done all I can to fast and pray?
       Answer:   Let's take a little Case Study from the Bible.       
        In Luke 2 v 25 – 32 we read:
        Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying:
        “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.”
Luke 2 v 25 – 32
        What has this got to do with answers to prayer, you ask.
         Let’s look at this more carefully.
        #1: This man Simeon received a definite promise from the LORD. This came through a very specific revelation. His entire destiny was tied to the fulfilment of this promise.
         #2:  Now watch what he did. The passage says he “waited” for its fulfillment. For a believer who is expecting something from the LORD, the period of waiting is a special time. It is a time of prayer. It is a time of fasting. A time of preparation. Because there is a time and season attached to each and every one of God’s promises. 
        Waiting is a time of great spiritual alertness – not a time to sit around passively and do nothing! 
        #3:  Here comes the most critical part: during this period of “waiting” the Holy Spirit will move you from time to time to take certain actions – both spiritual and physical. You have to be sensitive enough in the spirit to recognize when HE is moving you … and when HE is not. 
        Herein lies the secret of spiritual success and failure. Ultimately your time of waiting is meant to prepare you for this. If your prayer and fasting have not yet sharpened your discernment to the point of recognizing the Voice of the Spirit, you may be headed for a catastrophic failure.
You have NOT prayed to the level of breakthroughs
if you have not "heard" the voice of the Holy Spirit
        He could be telling you to wait. He could be telling you to take certain ACTION. Promptly. But if you cannot hear what HE is saying...
        It is almost certain that sooner or later, you will be manipulated by the spirit of error … speaking through well-meaning individuals and even loved ones.       
        If you allow this to happen, it will be difficult to make the right decisions concerning the issues of life. Such a person will not know her left from her right, spiritually speaking. 
        This is the reason many have failed in the past. In spite of prayer and fasting, they have remained blind, deaf and dumb in the spirit. They remain second-hand Christians, forever in need of someone else to tell them what the Holy Spirit is saying.  
        In this 21st century world we’re living now, that’s a dangerous place to be. Yes, many prayed and fasted, but they still missed their time of divine visitation. All because they were not listening to the Spirit when it mattered most. 
        There is Good News. As you read on, you will see that there is a way to get out of this trap in 2013. Let me just point out that there is no problem that you will face in this coming year that the Holy Spirit does not already have a specific solution for.  
        The one lingering challenge is to know how to obtain His divine prescription for your life. This is not as hard as it sounds. I am persuaded that any believer who is willing to remain humble and teachable can learn this.  
        So if you find that many divine promises have failed to manifest in your life, you really need to look at this man Simeon here…  
-          He received a powerful revelation about his divine destiny from none other than the Holy Spirit.
-          Then he went into a protracted period of “waiting,” i.e. a time of prayer, fasting, holy living, fellowship with the Holy Spirit, and Bible study. (Yes, he knew the Scriptures; he was quoting from Isaiah 42 while holding the Baby Jesus in his arms).
-          When the time was ripe, the man was MOVED and positioned by the Spirit to receive his divine promises.
-          So it was no coincidence that he was able to see, touch and feel the blessing that he had waited expectantly for, all those years.
        Please imagine this… 
        What would have happened if Simeon had failed to show up at the exact time that the Child Jesus was brought into the temple? 
        Do you think the promise would have been fulfilled if he wasn’t hearing and following the voice of the Spirit of God?

Mysteries of the Calling

When God called you, what did He say? That is what has to push you; not what the people around you say or do! Give to people what the LORD said not what they want you to say!!!

These people should know that God, being the God of all flesh, has elevated some people above the rest. In 

Hebrews 8:11, God said all shall know Him, from the LEAST to the GREATEST; which is according to rank not age (if it was age He should say YOUNGEST to OLDEST!). 

In this life we are not equal, there are the least and greatest. EVERY TRUE MAN OF GOD IS GREAT!!! Even in Heaven, people should know that we won't be equal, that is why Jesus said in Matthew 11:11- Luke 7:28; ...Among those that are born of women (biological) there is not a GREATER prophet than John the Baptist, but he that is LEAST IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD (spiritual) is GREATER than he.

It means that there are still the LEAST and GREATER in Heaven. People should know that biology is subject to the spirit. In Jeremiah 1, God said He made Jeremiah to be Prophet unto nations before he became biological. So it means that even his father and mother were given to him before they were born. So in actuality, Men of God are older than their biological counterparts, because they were ordained before biology. If I grew up with you, don't ever think we are the same, God gave an unction beyond you! Do not go to a man of God at the level of biology, you will miss your portion. And people should stop detecting what a man of God has to say or do!!!




The Mathematics of Divine Pneumatics On Kingdom Mysteries

Matt.6:33- But seek FIRST the (Kingdom of God) and His (Righteousness)...
Referring to Rom.14:17-(Kingdom of God IS (Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost)...
Let's make some spiritual equations:
From Matt6:33-...seek first the (Kingdom of God) + (His Righteousness) (î)
Rom14:17-(Kingdom of God)=Righteousness, Peace, and Joy (îî)

Sub. (îî) into (î), we get this statement: seek first (RIGHTEOUSNESS, peace, joy) + (RIGHTEOUSNESS)

So this is actually what Christ meant, we must start in RIGHTEOUSNESS and live therein to the end. But since there are two RIGHTEOUSNESSES, let me deduct it a bit by revealing their definitions from 2Cor6:7-...by the WORD OF TRUTH, by the POWER OF GOD, by the ARMOUR OF 'RIGHTEOUSNESS on the RIGHT and on the LEFT!!!
So the principal things in seeking are (1) WORD OF TRUTH(Jesus Christ) and (2)POWER OF GOD(witnessed after infilling of the HOLY SPIRIT); our foundation in having the Kingdom of God is Christ first, then Holy Spirit. Christ comes as the Word, that is, the Doctrinal language. And the Holy Spirit as the One who gives us the power to live as the sons of God(Rom8:9-without the Spirit we are not sons of God, of which Christ is firstborn).
Everything we do must be founded by the Word of Truth so that the Holy Spirit may empower it effectively into/ out of existence.
Many people usually quote Isaiah 54:17 and are only familiar with “No weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against me in judgement I shall condemn”; but the scripture continues, this is the heritage (hereditary succession/ inheritance- meant only for HEIRS(sons of God)) of the servants of the LORD, and their RIGHTEOUSNESS is of me( Phillipians 3:9- both Christ and Holy Spirit are given to us by the Father).
Matt.18:3, except you be converted( not join a church; but repent and accept Jesus Christ as your LORD (RULER OF YOUR LIFE) and Savior, ye shall NOT enter in His Kingdom! So if you already have a church, gave your life to Christ, but without the Holy Spirit, you lack. Jesus said, when the Holy Ghost comes upon you, you receive POWER, first evidence are Tongues (divine language). You know that you have Him when you start speaking like a victor thoroughly- I'll never lose a battle(when things are tough); I'm healed by His stripes( when ill); all is well with my soul( when actually nothing is right); devil LEAVE ME ALONE!(when tempted beyond measure- not, I'm but flesh and weak); I will be perfect in my days because God said I must(1Pet1:16); not going about discouraging those who want to do what He said by saying the demonic statement-“noone is/can be perfect); I'm superior to the devil- not telling of how powerful satan is, which opposes what the Word says about “ALL POWER belonging to Jehovah(Psa62:11).
Having a sustainable faith which inspires us to speak into/ out of existence what we want/ don't want. Having the same spirit of faith( faith comes by hearing, and hearing BY the WORD, hearing comes from having the WORD not ears!), according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we ALSO BELIEVE( having the WORD) and therefore SPEAK( language empowered by the Spirit of Truth).

Texting is difficult but I hope I relayed it as the LORD gave me through the Anointing and Grace of my Father ApostleVutabwashe.
The greatest comfort of having the Word and revelation is the evidence that God trusts His servants, because He exalted His Word above His Name( it's not the gifts which tell us our closeness to God, but that which He respects above the Name which indeed works powerfully...

Power Dynamics 1

He who canst use the power of the Word; shalt ever lose to the power of the world...
( quoted from the book THE WORDS WHICH FRAME THE WORLDS revealed by the Anointing of Apostle Vutabwashe).

According to Jeremiah 3:15; what believers need the most is God's Word- I shall give you pastors according to mine heart, who shall feed you with KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING...
After prophecy, deliverance etc, every man of God must rightly divide the Word of God. In it is the ultimate deliverance because the words in it are spirit and life. Every believer must have it because... the just shall live by faith(Rom1:16). And that faith comes by hearing through God's Word ( not ears). This is a level of wisdom because wisdom is the application of the KNOWLEDGE which you UNDERSTAND!!!

Identifying an Anointing

The problem with God is that when He is calling people into ministry, He won't gather multitudes to tell them His plans- you will only see 'Moses' or 'Jeremiah' coming to you... And that has caused many people to be reckless with Men of God leading to frustrated and leprous lives. Remember that when God said to Abraham He would bless those who blessed him; and curse those who cursed him, the people again were not told. So Abraham as he walked in his days, carried somebody's curse and blessing! But ironically there was no one who knew it.
Even in our days, God still uses the same approach, there are some "men" who move around carrying blessings, and painfully curses! Some may think that this is an Old Testament approach, but Jesus established it again in His Apostles, rather in the ones He chose.

This is what the Holy Bible says, "And He said to them, "Where ever you may enter into a house, stay there until you go out from there. And as many as do not receive you nor hear you, as you leave from there, shake off the dust underneath your feet as a testimony against them. Assuredly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom or for Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city! And when they went out, they were preaching that people should repent. "(Mark 6:10-12). 

Now if Jesus, the Author of the New Testament said it; "eish" I seek the help of the Holy Spirit not to talk against any genuine man of God, lest I attract leprosy upon myself and generation...

I borrowed this from a brother who commented. Follow Simbarashe Chikumbo on http//:www.facebook.com


 Where there is no vision people perish. ~Proverbs 29:18

Leadership begins with a vision.Vision demands planning -and planning at a strategic level,they are willing to miss the immediate in order to get the ultimate...a faithpreneurial leader I know who did that is Apostle  Guti...
When he was struggling financially was offered a ministry post(with a good salary and perks) by a certain white man.It seemed a comfortable option but because of the vision and the apostolic calling upon his life he refused...if he accepted he could have perished(missed the opportunity to build FORWARD IN FAITH a global ministry with presence in over 100 nations...plus schools,hospital and a university).
If you want inspiration for credible visionary leadership study the life and ministry of Archbishop E.Guti.In my opinion he occupies the highest apostolic rank in Zimbabwe .

Adapted from Simbarashe Nyamadzawo Click Link to follow him on Facebook.  #DZAWO

The Premise of Love

1 Corinthians 13:7- Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Love is perfect. Its perfection is not measured in what it gains but what it is ready to give.

Love = Sacrifice
Sacrifice = Love

Either of them compliments another. If any fails then there is nothing to talk about. To measure your love, value your sacrifice. Your sacrifice is a true reflection of self. The value you are ready to incur corresponds to the value you put on what you want. For God so loved the world, that He gave... He sacrificed after love. The value he puts on you was measured by the value of the Son. The value God put on you is insurmountable, you can't put a value on it.

Love bears all things! Imagine that God can still forgive you with all the sins you ever did and He forgets them just like that and sees you holy and righteous; he declares you an heir with His Son Jesus Christ. Wow. When God loved man, He had already stretched His love to bear sinners, weaklings and lukewarm Christians. Nomatter what you are going to do, He is ready to forgive you!

Love means;
I am ready to forgive you before you did me any wrong,
I am ready to be patient with you when you are unkind to me,
I am ready to be kind to you even when you reject me,
I am ready to believe in you even when there is no hope,
I am ready to endure with you even everything gets tough,
And in your weakness I will find a reason to perfect my love.

This is exactly how God's love react to us. If we could understand this, it would not be difficult to love, to forgive and protect each other. This is the principle of love. When you understand this, you will be able to love your wife, husband or family. You will be able to accommodate church mates and workmates. Let love lead.

The Power of the Tongue Part 1

Proverbs 18:21- Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

 Being a Christian as I am, I have learnt that my power is in releasing the word. Without releasing it, nothings changes, actually the life I live is not mine but someone else who is good at speaking. You become what you continually confess and think of yourself to be. You become what you behold of yourself.

When you read the word of God, what it says you are, confess it and you become it. the word you confess will let you conform into it. Confess righteousness, holiness, priesthood in Christ, wealth, prosperity, joy, fulness in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and it shall be. What you say has a serious ripple effect to the environment and it will respond as such.

We do not die because of disease or anything but that we confessed death and did not confess life. Confess long life and do not fear death. God is willing to give you more days on earth if you will! Confess it and declare it. Life has principles, who honors them eats the fruits thereof. What you give to the environment is what you get back. Confess life, victory over the devil. Confess victory over sin and bad habits and so it shall be according to thy faith.

Be Blessed

Faith Like Potatoes

"Faith doesn't make sense, it makes miracles"- Apostle Tavonga Vutabwashe.

Its 11:32 PM, I just finished watching an inspiring 'African Movie', Faith Like Potatoes though produced in South Africa, most people believe African Movies are Nigerian movies only! It inspired, I was fighting to gain ground in my calling. Its not easy to be called. Destinies are at stake if I don't say yes. People are dying of ignorance, their destinies are being betrayed by ignorance! God am scared. But thanks for the testimony, Faith Like Potatoes.

What I want to share is the substance of faith. Its a subject over preached and very misunderstood, misconception and utterly misquoted. Hebrews 11:1 says faith is the SUBSTANCE of things HOPED for, the CONVICTION of things UNSEEN. The verse has four key words which are in red which I want to explain one by one.

  1. Substance- substance is something that is physical that is tangible. How do we substantiate something hoped for. Because obviously if you hope for it, it is in the mind but Paul is saying you gotta feel it, touch it, smell it and physically see. It has to move from your mind into reality.
  2. Hoped- when you hope for something, you have a positive feeling about it. You have a belief it gonna be better. There is a thought, a voice saying it gonna be alright. And Paul is saying that which you hope for, FEEL it, TOUCH it, SMELL it in your mind until you physically FEEL it, TOUCH it and SMELL it. 
  3. Conviction- If you have a conviction, you do not doubt. You have a conviction that you are alive because you have the is evidence- you can eat, you can see, feel, breath and you can still touch things physically. That is how its supposed to be with faith. What you hope for, have a conviction that it is there already. Its not lie. Its there in the spiritual. When you see your healing, your prosperity, your deliverance- be convicted it is there.
  4. Unseen- Most Christians are then confused. They have a seeing is believing mentality. To God it is foolishness. Jesus says blessed are those that believe before they see! He meant you are blessed if you see the Unseen and you are convicted that they can be seen.
Do you need healing, do you have a cancer, do you have a chronic disease? The doctors told you its over. Are you scared of the operation? Are you in a wheelchair? Begin to see your healing. I am seeing it. Its coming it is there. God is saying receive it. believe it and receive it. Because you read this, receive the miracle in Jesus' name. Stand from the wheelchair, check yourself if you had a pain in your body. Go for a check up with your doctor. See it ti receive it.

Are you in debts, your business at a loss? Believe God now, you are going to receive a call from someone with a miracles. I believe in miracles. I believe in miracles, see it to have it. Believe the call, feel, hear it and you receive it. Is your marriage at a stake? Your relationship failing? You are about to be retrenched or have issues with management. believe God for the miracle. See what you want, believe it and touch it.

And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.-Luke 18:3, this woman believed if I go to the judge, my case will be attended to, and by going there, that was faith. Faith is in the doing, it is the action. When the woman who bled for 12 years thought of going to touch Christ, that was believing, when she saw herself healed and MOVED to touch the garment, that was faith. If you do not move, there is no faith. You have to make step to start the business, to get the building, the stand, the healing, the deal, the job, the position, the votes- just do it.

Faith is seeing from the other side of your problem, of your dream or vision. Faith like potatoes cannot be seen until harvest. You can't depend on outside condition to determine your harvest. Its not about the economic conditions or what the doctor believes; its about what God says. Faith does not depend on anything physical. It doesn't even have to depend on your feeling, beliefs or education. Its about what God says. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God. Don't just read the word hear it! That is faith, it has to speak to you.

I will conclude wit a quote from the movie, "conditions for a miracle is difficulty, condition for a great miracle is impossibility". If it is possible, it defeats faith, the impossible demand faith.You can have your miracle today. Jesus can do anything, He makes everything possible. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!

Be blessed.

Dearing Others

People salute mistakes more than their loved ones. They love something not anyone! They stand with the problem against their loved ones. If people respected their loved ones more than mistakes, FORGIVING would be easy. These days divorces are at all time high. We enjoy weddings more than marriages. Marriage is the only institution that gives you a certificate before the test.

Most married people don't trust each other but live together; lie on one bed but live in different worlds. Marriage was instituted by God and the only way to sustain it is submission. Its a spiritual principle. If you fail it then God suspects you got something from the devil because its pride. If you fail to use your TV, it wiser to go back to the instructions.

We fail because we do not follow instructions. We are not loyal to instructors. Go back to the word to save your marriage. Go back to the word to know your wife or husband. Its difficult to love when you do not know God; because God is love.

May God restore your marriage to the first love, may He bring joy, love, mercy, favor and grace upon your marriage. May every enemy against your marriage be judge now, may they suffer what they falsely prophesied against your marriage. I declare a financial breakthrough, new business, great promotions the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Be blessed.

Receiving forgiveness from Jesus Christ

Many Christians struggle with sin. when we do wrong we try to avoid God, we do not pray and feel guilty about it. we hate ourselves and fall deeper into sin. we blame people, situations and the devil. sometimes we pray and think God did not hear us and continue to think He doesn't need us back. Child let me tell you that God loves you and wants you badly. He is ready to forgive your sins through the blood of Jesus Christ. God can still hear you. 

If He the devil could go before Him, make a request and be heard? in the book of Job. the devil knows the heart of God. that even if you do wrong, HE can still receive you and answer your request. Cain slew Abel but negotiated with God and God protected Him. How much sin have you done that God cannot listen to you. You didn't slay your brother. You didn't have pride like the devil! What God seeks is not a perfect child for none is perfect but Him only. He seeks a REPENTANT HEART. 

David was after His heart- he was repentant. Every time he sinned he was quick to repent. when you fail immediately go before God and seek His grace. The prodigal son was received was received because he repented. Saul had one wife n was obedient except at one point when he denied that he had done wrong and said it was people who pushed him and God pushed him away. Paul writes that Christ said to him that His love is perfected in our weakness! In your weakness God will perfect His love for you. This morning go before God and plead the blood of Jesus over your life, spirit and soul. no matter how horrible, great or bad your sin was, He will forgive you. say Lord Jesus, forgive for my sins. Find a place in my heart and live in me. Let you favor, grace and mercy be upon me. In Jesus' name I pray. Have a blessed day.