Altars 1

 Preacher : Apostle T Vutabwashe
Scripture: Gen 12 :7-8
Date : Sunday 03/01/14 

Even in your time of breakthrough, in your season of celebration maintain a high level of prayer. Plant seeds, you sustain a level by the seed you plant, the higher you continue to sow that is your next level. Ps 92:13 attend service's and be anchored in the word of God. Isa 34:16 seek the word that pertains to your need and use it to fight. Say what you want to see happen in don't speak about your poverty speak about the money you want to have. Speak and affirm positive things , do not talk negative about your circumstance. Ps 121: 1-8 scripture of the week!

Gen 12 :7-8 as main scripture reference- When Abraham was told to leave the land of Chaldeans he was called to a promise land. This year you are certainly going to make it. Altars are places where spirits land, when you present your body as a sacrifice to the Lord it becomes the temple of the holy spirit, when you become the altar you attract the spirit of God. When ever there is an altar the presence of God is very visible. We often take bible's n note books to church to write declarations but Abraham did not do that when God spoke he built altars. When God spoke he would gather stones and built an altar . Although he did not have a note book or bible to teach him about altars, Abraham built them. He came from a land where they worshipped evil altars . When you see people come to place offerings on the altar they have a deep understanding, don't say they are overzealous. Faith without works is dead for your faith to work you need to respond and you respond by building an altar . Abraham knew that if you establish an altar no one will destroy it. Abraham heard one declaration and he built altars, how many have you heard from God! God appears to you by his word as i am speaking to you now God is speaking to you, speaks through his word he does not use feelings. A lion does not have hands it uses its mouth to lift its cubs, but it also uses the same mouth to crush its enemies. When you hear God's word respond with an altar. Gen 12:8 the word of says after Abraham built an altar he pitched a tent, which means it is an altar that you build and a tent that u pitch, altars cannot be moved. Why you face problems in your family is because you build your house and pitch your altar you don't build it. Lot never built any altars although he was there when God spoke to Abraham. Lot was there when Abraham was building his altars, Yet Lot never built an altar and it was Abraham's altars that saved Lot from the 5 kings and sodom. Moslems before they build their houses they first build a mosqué . Hence, they have a strong power to attract customers. As they close their shops going to the mosqué you will remain open but they will still have more customers than you. They have higher altars and by an altar you make impact. Your enemies locate you and talk about you it's because your altar is weak. AMEN.
Reporting from International Overflow Centre( IOC).
NaJesu Tinoenda Kure!


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