Altars 2

  Apostle T. Vutabwashe 
  Date : 12 / DECEMBER / 2014
Scripture: Gen 13:3 

What made us go in circles in prayer is because we were misguided, this is your year to make real progress, use the word of God. Once you hear God you respond by an altar. Whenever God appears to you, respond by an altar, this is what Abraham did, he responded with an altar. No wonder why you find out that whenever God speaks in your life, it does not come to pass, big dreams are dying because people do not know how to respond to God. Even when God speaks to you in a dream, respond with an altar. Solomon after having a dream being given wisdom, he built an altar early in the morning. If you dream driving a car, if you dream holding a baby, respond with an altar! Don't just pray holding nothing, put something in the altar. Your enemies bewitch you, they bewitch you at a shrine holding a seed. Why is it that when you come at this holy place you have nothing?

Altars are not common places of alterations. Your enemies alter your life on altars. So when you come here, counter their alterations with a seed. From this altar! From this altar, counter their alterations with a seed. From this altar! From this altar , i alter your life. There are certain wars you are never going to fight again from this moment. I don’t give birth to cowards who are intimidated by the devil. I want people who declare NaJesu Tinoenda Kure! (with Jesus we will go places) All your wars are ending on this altar, if i am a man of God, in the mighty name of Jesus ! From this altar, its high time you conquer. As i am talking to you like this, something is happening in offices, altars speak for us! I release fire! Those who even point on you, their hands are going to go into paralysis. Their feet are going to be hit with paralysis. I will not be a good shepherd if i don’t fight for my sheep, each and every lion in your way, i tear it apart with these Apostolic hands. 

This year we can't afford to waste even a week. We can't allow the devil any chance. It’s a year of speed in every area of your life. If they ever expected you to fall down, they are going to be surprised seeing you standing. Let your hands respond to the grace that is on this place. Let your wallet respond to this grace too. From today nothing about you shall be mentioned. People are just going to ask you about the number of cars, the number of your houses; it’s going to be all about good things. If you read the word of God you will find out that even Elijah was stopping the rains and doing all those sorts of wonders, he was just called Elijah. The very day he built an altar, his title was changed to Prophet Elijah. If you don’t have an altar you are just an ordinary Christian, your title will never change. 

Whatever is going to happen in your life, it is going to shock people. Your passes are going to shock people! Your pregnancy is going to shock people! This year you are not going to have debts. If you don’t have an altar you are exposed. Abraham was struck by hunger after building an altar - you face attacks. In the bible Abraham went to Egypt. The bible also said he went back to the point he had built an altar and he did it well. You have sown a lot of money in this ministry, if you find any problem, you come here. Abraham almost lost his wife to pharaoh. This is because poverty and divorces are friends big time. I declare, let your pantry be always full with food! The bible said he went to east to the west and then to the north, making a cross. This left the altar he had built at the center. This means that your altar should be at your heart. 

The bible said and Lot also went with him. Lot had no altar yet he just followed someone who had an altar. The bible said Lot also had tents and animals, because you are here where there is an altar, even airlines shall know you. You are going to be someone great. Lot had no altar but he did not speak badly about altars. He just said to himself ‘i will benefit by association’. If you failed in life, join my anointing. Whatever you failed is going to be possible by the anointing. I told you during the March overnight, that if you are in an aeroplane you move with the same speed of that plane. 

Because you are in this ministry, you are going to move with the same speed. Look at what we have achieved in these few years? The same is going to happen in your life. Some people defy things which they would want in future. When ladies started painting nails, a lot of women were against it but right now they are into it full time. Altar has the power to attract blessings. Whatever you planted on your altar, I command it to germinate within 7 days. Don't criticize those who have altars! 1sam 3vs 21 God appears to you by his word. Right now as i am speaking to you, God is appearing to you. As you receive the word now something is happening in you. There is a metamorphosis happening in you. You are being transformed into a champion. 

There are some breakthroughs that come into your life you cannot attribute to Apostle directly, always acknowledge the apostolic anointing. Whosoever does not have an altar has no permanent victory. Rev 8vs 3 Can imagine? In heaven there are no diseases, God has never lost a battle yet there is an altar. If heaven has an altar who are you not to have an office altar. Who told you that you can live a successful life without an altar? Who told you it is possible. If you don't build an altar, the ones your enemies are building will affect your peace. If u are eating honey mixed with sand, sand does not dilute honey, it tempers with your peace in eating the honey. Abraham never went to his war, when he went to war he was fighting Lot's wars. Abraham's wars were being fought by his altar. 

Your wars are just indication that you have no altar. Saul never built an altar, check his life. He was fighting wars from day one. He fought wars in his time. He ended up fighting against teenagers like David. An altar silences your wars. God knows the mystery behind an altar. If you place something on the altar , victory is yours. If you don't have an altar, someone will always alter your life, your promises will never come to pass. Altars are marks of entitlement. When declarations are made, you place a seed on the altar, you are claiming the declaration to be personally yours. When vacancy is announced, there will be a lot of people who need the job. What tells the employer that you need the job is your application. What announces to God that you are serious about the job is your application. Without application, your interests are not known; your desires are not known. If an altar is built against you, build a better one against. God is saying to someone that the way things are, things are going to change in your life it is just going to be just like a joke. Isaiah 66vs 7-8 is it possible that a life can miraculously change in one night - yes it’s possible! Amen


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