Faith Like Potatoes

"Faith doesn't make sense, it makes miracles"- Apostle Tavonga Vutabwashe.

Its 11:32 PM, I just finished watching an inspiring 'African Movie', Faith Like Potatoes though produced in South Africa, most people believe African Movies are Nigerian movies only! It inspired, I was fighting to gain ground in my calling. Its not easy to be called. Destinies are at stake if I don't say yes. People are dying of ignorance, their destinies are being betrayed by ignorance! God am scared. But thanks for the testimony, Faith Like Potatoes.

What I want to share is the substance of faith. Its a subject over preached and very misunderstood, misconception and utterly misquoted. Hebrews 11:1 says faith is the SUBSTANCE of things HOPED for, the CONVICTION of things UNSEEN. The verse has four key words which are in red which I want to explain one by one.

  1. Substance- substance is something that is physical that is tangible. How do we substantiate something hoped for. Because obviously if you hope for it, it is in the mind but Paul is saying you gotta feel it, touch it, smell it and physically see. It has to move from your mind into reality.
  2. Hoped- when you hope for something, you have a positive feeling about it. You have a belief it gonna be better. There is a thought, a voice saying it gonna be alright. And Paul is saying that which you hope for, FEEL it, TOUCH it, SMELL it in your mind until you physically FEEL it, TOUCH it and SMELL it. 
  3. Conviction- If you have a conviction, you do not doubt. You have a conviction that you are alive because you have the is evidence- you can eat, you can see, feel, breath and you can still touch things physically. That is how its supposed to be with faith. What you hope for, have a conviction that it is there already. Its not lie. Its there in the spiritual. When you see your healing, your prosperity, your deliverance- be convicted it is there.
  4. Unseen- Most Christians are then confused. They have a seeing is believing mentality. To God it is foolishness. Jesus says blessed are those that believe before they see! He meant you are blessed if you see the Unseen and you are convicted that they can be seen.
Do you need healing, do you have a cancer, do you have a chronic disease? The doctors told you its over. Are you scared of the operation? Are you in a wheelchair? Begin to see your healing. I am seeing it. Its coming it is there. God is saying receive it. believe it and receive it. Because you read this, receive the miracle in Jesus' name. Stand from the wheelchair, check yourself if you had a pain in your body. Go for a check up with your doctor. See it ti receive it.

Are you in debts, your business at a loss? Believe God now, you are going to receive a call from someone with a miracles. I believe in miracles. I believe in miracles, see it to have it. Believe the call, feel, hear it and you receive it. Is your marriage at a stake? Your relationship failing? You are about to be retrenched or have issues with management. believe God for the miracle. See what you want, believe it and touch it.

And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.-Luke 18:3, this woman believed if I go to the judge, my case will be attended to, and by going there, that was faith. Faith is in the doing, it is the action. When the woman who bled for 12 years thought of going to touch Christ, that was believing, when she saw herself healed and MOVED to touch the garment, that was faith. If you do not move, there is no faith. You have to make step to start the business, to get the building, the stand, the healing, the deal, the job, the position, the votes- just do it.

Faith is seeing from the other side of your problem, of your dream or vision. Faith like potatoes cannot be seen until harvest. You can't depend on outside condition to determine your harvest. Its not about the economic conditions or what the doctor believes; its about what God says. Faith does not depend on anything physical. It doesn't even have to depend on your feeling, beliefs or education. Its about what God says. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God. Don't just read the word hear it! That is faith, it has to speak to you.

I will conclude wit a quote from the movie, "conditions for a miracle is difficulty, condition for a great miracle is impossibility". If it is possible, it defeats faith, the impossible demand faith.You can have your miracle today. Jesus can do anything, He makes everything possible. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!

Be blessed.

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