The Mathematics of Divine Pneumatics On Kingdom Mysteries

Matt.6:33- But seek FIRST the (Kingdom of God) and His (Righteousness)...
Referring to Rom.14:17-(Kingdom of God IS (Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost)...
Let's make some spiritual equations:
From first the (Kingdom of God) + (His Righteousness) (î)
Rom14:17-(Kingdom of God)=Righteousness, Peace, and Joy (îî)

Sub. (îî) into (î), we get this statement: seek first (RIGHTEOUSNESS, peace, joy) + (RIGHTEOUSNESS)

So this is actually what Christ meant, we must start in RIGHTEOUSNESS and live therein to the end. But since there are two RIGHTEOUSNESSES, let me deduct it a bit by revealing their definitions from the WORD OF TRUTH, by the POWER OF GOD, by the ARMOUR OF 'RIGHTEOUSNESS on the RIGHT and on the LEFT!!!
So the principal things in seeking are (1) WORD OF TRUTH(Jesus Christ) and (2)POWER OF GOD(witnessed after infilling of the HOLY SPIRIT); our foundation in having the Kingdom of God is Christ first, then Holy Spirit. Christ comes as the Word, that is, the Doctrinal language. And the Holy Spirit as the One who gives us the power to live as the sons of God(Rom8:9-without the Spirit we are not sons of God, of which Christ is firstborn).
Everything we do must be founded by the Word of Truth so that the Holy Spirit may empower it effectively into/ out of existence.
Many people usually quote Isaiah 54:17 and are only familiar with “No weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against me in judgement I shall condemn”; but the scripture continues, this is the heritage (hereditary succession/ inheritance- meant only for HEIRS(sons of God)) of the servants of the LORD, and their RIGHTEOUSNESS is of me( Phillipians 3:9- both Christ and Holy Spirit are given to us by the Father).
Matt.18:3, except you be converted( not join a church; but repent and accept Jesus Christ as your LORD (RULER OF YOUR LIFE) and Savior, ye shall NOT enter in His Kingdom! So if you already have a church, gave your life to Christ, but without the Holy Spirit, you lack. Jesus said, when the Holy Ghost comes upon you, you receive POWER, first evidence are Tongues (divine language). You know that you have Him when you start speaking like a victor thoroughly- I'll never lose a battle(when things are tough); I'm healed by His stripes( when ill); all is well with my soul( when actually nothing is right); devil LEAVE ME ALONE!(when tempted beyond measure- not, I'm but flesh and weak); I will be perfect in my days because God said I must(1Pet1:16); not going about discouraging those who want to do what He said by saying the demonic statement-“noone is/can be perfect); I'm superior to the devil- not telling of how powerful satan is, which opposes what the Word says about “ALL POWER belonging to Jehovah(Psa62:11).
Having a sustainable faith which inspires us to speak into/ out of existence what we want/ don't want. Having the same spirit of faith( faith comes by hearing, and hearing BY the WORD, hearing comes from having the WORD not ears!), according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we ALSO BELIEVE( having the WORD) and therefore SPEAK( language empowered by the Spirit of Truth).

The greatest comfort of having the Word and revelation is the evidence that God trusts His servants, because He exalted His Word above His Name( it's not the gifts which tell us our closeness to God, but that which He respects above the Name which indeed works powerfully...

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