Where there is no vision people perish. ~Proverbs 29:18

Leadership begins with a vision.Vision demands planning -and planning at a strategic level,they are willing to miss the immediate in order to get the ultimate...a faithpreneurial leader I know who did that is Apostle  Guti...
When he was struggling financially was offered a ministry post(with a good salary and perks) by a certain white man.It seemed a comfortable option but because of the vision and the apostolic calling upon his life he refused...if he accepted he could have perished(missed the opportunity to build FORWARD IN FAITH a global ministry with presence in over 100 schools,hospital and a university).
If you want inspiration for credible visionary leadership study the life and ministry of Archbishop E.Guti.In my opinion he occupies the highest apostolic rank in Zimbabwe .

Adapted from Simbarashe Nyamadzawo Click Link to follow him on Facebook.  #DZAWO

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