Receiving forgiveness from Jesus Christ

Many Christians struggle with sin. when we do wrong we try to avoid God, we do not pray and feel guilty about it. we hate ourselves and fall deeper into sin. we blame people, situations and the devil. sometimes we pray and think God did not hear us and continue to think He doesn't need us back. Child let me tell you that God loves you and wants you badly. He is ready to forgive your sins through the blood of Jesus Christ. God can still hear you. 

If He the devil could go before Him, make a request and be heard? in the book of Job. the devil knows the heart of God. that even if you do wrong, HE can still receive you and answer your request. Cain slew Abel but negotiated with God and God protected Him. How much sin have you done that God cannot listen to you. You didn't slay your brother. You didn't have pride like the devil! What God seeks is not a perfect child for none is perfect but Him only. He seeks a REPENTANT HEART. 

David was after His heart- he was repentant. Every time he sinned he was quick to repent. when you fail immediately go before God and seek His grace. The prodigal son was received was received because he repented. Saul had one wife n was obedient except at one point when he denied that he had done wrong and said it was people who pushed him and God pushed him away. Paul writes that Christ said to him that His love is perfected in our weakness! In your weakness God will perfect His love for you. This morning go before God and plead the blood of Jesus over your life, spirit and soul. no matter how horrible, great or bad your sin was, He will forgive you. say Lord Jesus, forgive for my sins. Find a place in my heart and live in me. Let you favor, grace and mercy be upon me. In Jesus' name I pray. Have a blessed day.

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